This sculpture was inspired by a wooden netsuke from the late 1700s. The horse is symbolic in many cultures. It often represents freedom, travel and power. In ancient Japan, people donated horses to shrines in hopes for approval and support from the deities. This ritual was replaced by giving wooden tablets often depicting horses on which the people would write prayers and wishes.
Horses are our civilizations’ first form of travel. It also served in advances of war and agriculture. It brought civilizations together that were formerly isolated due to the distance being to great to interact. People were then able to see past the limits of their own communities, travel and discover the diversity of life and all it had to offer (and still does.) Horses were also used for more efficient farming as well as for battle and war.
It is important in our own lives to recognize our own power and that power can be used for bringing people together or creating destruction. How can you look for the good in others, seek love and let go of any perceived flaws in yourself and others? Can you slowly feel compassion for those that are fighting a war within themselves? Can you find compassion for the wars you maybe be fighting within yourself? Can you breathe and love yourself thru your own obstacles?
Horses symbolize freedom, travel and power
They were used for farming and war- They brought people together and were used for creating destruction
How can you look for the good in others?
Seek Love, let go of perceived flaws in others as well as yourself.
Fell compassion for those fighting a war with in themselves as well as yourself.
This particular piece when fired was not fired correctly and in my mind was injured. I began to repair the damage but realized it was best to leave at least part of it with its wounds exposed. We all have our wounds, some are fixable and some may never be. However, just because the physical aspect of our being appears to be “unfixable” does not mean that our spirits can not be healed. Sometimes healing is about doing whatever we can to be as vibrant and whole as possible. Other times it can be about accepting and loving ourselves with our flaws and limitations. Imagine what the world would be like if collectively more and more of us were able to do that for ourselves and our neighbors?
We all have wounds, some are fixable some are not.
Even if some of our physicality is not “fixable” that doesn’t mean that our spirits can not be healed.
Its time to love ourselves and those around us with all of our flaws and limitations.
I invite you to sit comfortably and breathe. Close your eyes for a moment and get centered. Slowly open your eyes and look at this horse grazing on a meditation pillow. The horse is slowing eating, slowly nurturing itself. The horse is not trying to gain what it needs to be whole and healthy all at once.
It is asking you to take small steps in nurturing yourself, being loving to yourself ,and to all the people and living beings that you interact with. You may discover a certain freedom and power in choosing how you wish to perceive things. See how it feels to be compassionate to others rather than judgemental, even when someone’s behavior feels undesirable.
There’s freedom and power in choosing how you wish to perceive things.
I invite you to close your eyes again and breathe slowly and intentionally 10 times before going back to a more natural way of breathing. Breath in love and breathe our compassion. Where can you send this compassion to? Is there someone in your life that you have friction with? Maybe a neighbor, friend, family member, co-worker or even a political figure whose values you don’t agree with. Maybe someone who has caused you harm. Can you send them love because you don’t want to hold on to anger that doesn’t support your own well being? Is there an area of your body that causes you pain? Can you direct your breath to compassionately give it love?
Take some time to feel any wishes or prayers you have for yourself or others. If it is purely for yourself at this moment, that is ok. Take time to not judge yourself either. When you are done, take a small piece of paper and write down your wish or prayer. You may fold it and place it inside the horse as your offering or intention to the universe. If you are not physically in front of the piece, feel free to email it to me at